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со всех языков на все языки

it was revealed that...

  • 1 it was revealed that (...)

    Политика: было обнародовано, что (...)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it was revealed that (...)

  • 2 it was revealed that

    Политика: (...) было обнародовано, что (...)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it was revealed that

  • 3 it was revealed that ...

    было обнародовано, что...

    Politics english-russian dictionary > it was revealed that ...

  • 4 he turned so that his face was revealed

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he turned so that his face was revealed

  • 5 было обнародовано, что (...)

    Politics: it was revealed that (...)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > было обнародовано, что (...)

  • 6 было обнародовано, что

    Politics: (...) it was revealed that (...)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > было обнародовано, что

  • 7 reveal

    обнаруживать, обнажать; разоблачать; выдавать ( секрет), раскрывать ( секрет)

    Politics english-russian dictionary > reveal

  • 8 открывать

    Английские соответствия в отличие от их русского эквивалента открывать конкретизируют данное действие по характеру объекта.
    1. to open — (глагол to open многозначен, и все его значении являются эквивалентами разных значений русского глагола открывать/ открыть): а) открывать, открыть (что-либо закрытое, запертое): to open the door (window, gate) — открыть/раскрыть дверь (окно, калитку); to open a box (barrel, can) — открыть ящик (бочку, консервную байку); to open a book — открыть книгу; to open an egg — разбить яйцо; to open one's eyes — открыть глаза It is so hot in the room and the window is closed. — Oh, sorry I'll go and open it right away. — В комнате так жарко, а окно закрыто. — О, прости, я пойду и открою его сейчас же. В предложениях с глаголом to open и одушевленным подлежащим за глаголом обязательно следует прямое дополнение, если нет реального прямого дополнения, то обязательно употребляется местоимение it. Put the bottle on the table, but don't open it. — Поставь бутылку на стол, но не открывай. b) начинать, открывать ( какое-либо официальное мероприятие): to open a new school — открывать новую школу; to open a meeting — открывать собрание; to open an account with the bank — открыть счет в банке c) открыть, сделать явным, сделать видимым: to open a secret — открыть секрет; to open smb's eyes to the truth — открыть кому-либо глаза на правду
    2. to uncover — открыть, снять покрывало, снять завесу ( снять покрывало и сделать предмет видимым): to unveil a monument (statue, memorial plague) — открыть памятник (статую, мемориальную доску) After a long period of silence he unveiled his plans. — После долгого периода молчания он предал гласности свои планы.
    4. to turn on — открыть, включить: to turn on the cold-water tap — открыть кран холодной воды; to turn on the light — включить свет; to turn on the TV — включить телевизор
    5. to reveal — открывать, раскрывать, обнаруживать, выявить, открыться взору, сделать ( что-либо) видимым (убрав препятствие; употребляется как в прямом, так и в переносном смысле: открыть физически и открыть секрет/тайну): He drew the curtain aside to reveal a beautiful garden. — Он раздвинул шторы, и мы увидели прекрасный сад./Он раздвинул шторы, и нашему взору открылся прекрасный сад. He still didn't reveal what he had felt about me. — Он все еще никак не проявлял своих чувств ко мне. The slant of her eyes and the line of her lips revealed her contempt. — Прищур ее глаз и поджатые губы обнаруживали ее презрение./Прищур ее глаз и поджатые губы говорили о ее презрении. His gaiety had revealed itself as fear of solitude. — За его наигранной веселостью скрывался страх одиночества./За его неестественной веселостью скрывался страх одиночества. They were not ready to reveal the details of their arrest. — Они были не готовы открыть подробности их ареста. A Sunday paper had once revealed that he'd wanted to marry his cousin. — Одна из воскресных газет как-то раз предала гласности факты, говорящие о том, что он намеревался жениться на своей кузине./Одна из воскресных газет однажды раскрыла факты, говорящие о том, что он хотел жениться на своей кузине. Howard now revealed a certain talent for fixing things. — Говард вдруг обнаружил способности улаживать конфликты. It was the first time I had seen him reveal any emotion in his face. — Я впервые увидел, как на его лице отразились хоть какие-то чувства. A slight trembling of his hand revealed his growing excitement. — Легкое дрожание рук выдавало его растущее возбуждение./Легкое дрожание рук обнаруживало его растущее возбуждение./Его растущее возбуждение проявлялось в дрожании рук. Не revealed an unexpected talent for dancing while on vacation in Spain. — Когда он проводил каникулы в Испании, он неожиданно обнаружил способности к танцам. The screen fell back with a crash and revealed a yawing opening in the wall. — Ширма с грохотом упала, и в стене открылось зияющее отверстие.
    6. to disclose — открывать, раскрывать, предавать гласности ( употребляется в прямом и переносном смысле): Не attempted to disclose that the truth was systematically blocked. — Он попытался открыть тот факт, что правду систематически скрывали./Он сделал попытку раскрыть тот факт, что правду систематически скрывали./Он сделал попытку придать гласности тот факт, что правду систематически скрывали. The curtain rose and disclosed a beautiful landscape. — Занавес поднялся, и глазам открылся прекрасный пейзаж./Занавес раскрылся, и глазам представился прекрасный пейзаж.
    7. to discover — открывать, открыть, раскрывать, обнаруживать, обнаружить, узнать, найти (выявить то, что было неизвестно; сделать открытым до сих пор никому неизвестное): to discover a new star — открыть новую звезду; to discover the truth — обнаружить истину; to discover a plot — раскрыть заговор The two men decided to discover the truth for themselves. — Эти двое решили сами узнать правду./Эти двое решили сами обнаружить правду. Не became very friendly when he discovered that she was my sister. — Он стал весьма дружелюбным, когда узнал, что она моя сестра. Checks are made to discover whether applicants have a criminal record. — Проверки проводятся для того, чтобы обнаружить, нет ли за претендентами криминального прошлого./Провсрки проводятся для того, чтобы выявить, нет ли у претендентов криминального прошлого. I have only recently discovered the benefits of meditation. — Я только недавно постиг все прелести медитации./Я только недавно понял всю пользу медитации. The planet Pluto was discovered in 1930. — Планета Плутон была открыта в 1930 году. The scientists discovered radioactivity in uranium salt. — Учеными была обнаружена радиоактивность в урановых солях. Did you discover what company he worked for? — Вы обнаружили, на какую компанию он работал?/Вы узнали, на какую компанию он работал? She has never been able to discover her father's true identity. — Она так и не смогла узнать, кем на самом деле был ее отец. New organizations need to discoverthe most efficient ways of operating. — Новым организациям надо выяснить наиболее эффективные методы работы. When she discovered she had been taken on, she was really pleased. — Когда она узнала, что ее приняли на работу, она была очень довольна/Когда она выяснила, что ее приняли на работу, она была очень довольна. Has your mother never discovered, why you are out late every night? — Неужели ваша мать не выяснила, куда вы уходите допоздна каждый вечер? Не decided to discover the truth himself. — Он решил разузнать правду сам. New antimalarial drugs have been discovered. — Были открыты новые препараты против малярии. Why not spend a week discovering the beauty of the Caucasus. — Почему бы не провести неделю на Кавказе, открывая для себя его красоты? Police discovered his body yesterday. — Полиция вчера обнаружила его труп. I finally discovered the letter at the back of the drawer. — Я наконец обнаружил это письмо в глубине ящика. Действие глагола to discover сравнимо с тщательным раскапыванием земли в поисках чего-либо, в данном случае каких-либо фактов, новых или неожиданных сведений, что выражено в словосочетаниях, фигурально передающих значение глагола to discover — найти, открывать, обнаруживать: Let me know if you dig up anything about it. — Дай мне знать, если ты что-нибудь об этом раскопаешь. I unearthed some useful facts and figures. — Я раскопал несколько полезных фактов и цифр. The facts only came to light after a long investigation. — Факты увидели свет только после длительного расследования. We left no stone unturned in our search for the truth. — Мы камня на кнмне не оставили в поисках истины./Мы сделали все возможное, чтобы докопаться до истины. The book is a mine/goldmine of information. — Книга прямо кладезь информации. You need to put in a lot of spadework. — Тебе еще предстоит много черновой работы./Тебе еще придется покопаться. It took me a long time to find it, but I finally struck gold/oil. — У меня ушло много времени на поиски, но в конце концов я нашел, что искал./У меня ушло много времени на поиски, но в конце концов мои поиски увенчались успехом. She racked up a lot of scandal. — Она раскопала уйму скандальных фактов.

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > открывать

  • 9 открыть

    Английские соответствия в отличие от их русского эквивалента открывать конкретизируют данное действие по характеру объекта.
    1. to open — (глагол to open многозначен, и все его значении являются эквивалентами разных значений русского глагола открывать/ открыть): а) открывать, открыть (что-либо закрытое, запертое): to open the door (window, gate) — открыть/раскрыть дверь (окно, калитку); to open a box (barrel, can) — открыть ящик (бочку, консервную байку); to open a book — открыть книгу; to open an egg — разбить яйцо; to open one's eyes — открыть глаза It is so hot in the room and the window is closed. — Oh, sorry I'll go and open it right away. — В комнате так жарко, а окно закрыто. — О, прости, я пойду и открою его сейчас же. В предложениях с глаголом to open и одушевленным подлежащим за глаголом обязательно следует прямое дополнение, если нет реального прямого дополнения, то обязательно употребляется местоимение it. Put the bottle on the table, but don't open it. — Поставь бутылку на стол, но не открывай. b) начинать, открывать ( какое-либо официальное мероприятие): to open a new school — открывать новую школу; to open a meeting — открывать собрание; to open an account with the bank — открыть счет в банке c) открыть, сделать явным, сделать видимым: to open a secret — открыть секрет; to open smb's eyes to the truth — открыть кому-либо глаза на правду
    2. to uncover — открыть, снять покрывало, снять завесу ( снять покрывало и сделать предмет видимым): to unveil a monument (statue, memorial plague) — открыть памятник (статую, мемориальную доску) After a long period of silence he unveiled his plans. — После долгого периода молчания он предал гласности свои планы.
    4. to turn on — открыть, включить: to turn on the cold-water tap — открыть кран холодной воды; to turn on the light — включить свет; to turn on the TV — включить телевизор
    5. to reveal — открывать, раскрывать, обнаруживать, выявить, открыться взору, сделать ( что-либо) видимым (убрав препятствие; употребляется как в прямом, так и в переносном смысле: открыть физически и открыть секрет/тайну): He drew the curtain aside to reveal a beautiful garden. — Он раздвинул шторы, и мы увидели прекрасный сад./Он раздвинул шторы, и нашему взору открылся прекрасный сад. He still didn't reveal what he had felt about me. — Он все еще никак не проявлял своих чувств ко мне. The slant of her eyes and the line of her lips revealed her contempt. — Прищур ее глаз и поджатые губы обнаруживали ее презрение./Прищур ее глаз и поджатые губы говорили о ее презрении. His gaiety had revealed itself as fear of solitude. — За его наигранной веселостью скрывался страх одиночества./За его неестественной веселостью скрывался страх одиночества. They were not ready to reveal the details of their arrest. — Они были не готовы открыть подробности их ареста. A Sunday paper had once revealed that he'd wanted to marry his cousin. — Одна из воскресных газет как-то раз предала гласности факты, говорящие о том, что он намеревался жениться на своей кузине./Одна из воскресных газет однажды раскрыла факты, говорящие о том, что он хотел жениться на своей кузине. Howard now revealed a certain talent for fixing things. — Говард вдруг обнаружил способности улаживать конфликты. It was the first time I had seen him reveal any emotion in his face. — Я впервые увидел, как на его лице отразились хоть какие-то чувства. A slight trembling of his hand revealed his growing excitement. — Легкое дрожание рук выдавало его растущее возбуждение./Легкое дрожание рук обнаруживало его растущее возбуждение./Его растущее возбуждение проявлялось в дрожании рук. Не revealed an unexpected talent for dancing while on vacation in Spain. — Когда он проводил каникулы в Испании, он неожиданно обнаружил способности к танцам. The screen fell back with a crash and revealed a yawing opening in the wall. — Ширма с грохотом упала, и в стене открылось зияющее отверстие.
    6. to disclose — открывать, раскрывать, предавать гласности ( употребляется в прямом и переносном смысле): Не attempted to disclose that the truth was systematically blocked. — Он попытался открыть тот факт, что правду систематически скрывали./Он сделал попытку раскрыть тот факт, что правду систематически скрывали./Он сделал попытку придать гласности тот факт, что правду систематически скрывали. The curtain rose and disclosed a beautiful landscape. — Занавес поднялся, и глазам открылся прекрасный пейзаж./Занавес раскрылся, и глазам представился прекрасный пейзаж.
    7. to discover — открывать, открыть, раскрывать, обнаруживать, обнаружить, узнать, найти (выявить то, что было неизвестно; сделать открытым до сих пор никому неизвестное): to discover a new star — открыть новую звезду; to discover the truth — обнаружить истину; to discover a plot — раскрыть заговор The two men decided to discover the truth for themselves. — Эти двое решили сами узнать правду./Эти двое решили сами обнаружить правду. Не became very friendly when he discovered that she was my sister. — Он стал весьма дружелюбным, когда узнал, что она моя сестра. Checks are made to discover whether applicants have a criminal record. — Проверки проводятся для того, чтобы обнаружить, нет ли за претендентами криминального прошлого./Провсрки проводятся для того, чтобы выявить, нет ли у претендентов криминального прошлого. I have only recently discovered the benefits of meditation. — Я только недавно постиг все прелести медитации./Я только недавно понял всю пользу медитации. The planet Pluto was discovered in 1930. — Планета Плутон была открыта в 1930 году. The scientists discovered radioactivity in uranium salt. — Учеными была обнаружена радиоактивность в урановых солях. Did you discover what company he worked for? — Вы обнаружили, на какую компанию он работал?/Вы узнали, на какую компанию он работал? She has never been able to discover her father's true identity. — Она так и не смогла узнать, кем на самом деле был ее отец. New organizations need to discoverthe most efficient ways of operating. — Новым организациям надо выяснить наиболее эффективные методы работы. When she discovered she had been taken on, she was really pleased. — Когда она узнала, что ее приняли на работу, она была очень довольна/Когда она выяснила, что ее приняли на работу, она была очень довольна. Has your mother never discovered, why you are out late every night? — Неужели ваша мать не выяснила, куда вы уходите допоздна каждый вечер? Не decided to discover the truth himself. — Он решил разузнать правду сам. New antimalarial drugs have been discovered. — Были открыты новые препараты против малярии. Why not spend a week discovering the beauty of the Caucasus. — Почему бы не провести неделю на Кавказе, открывая для себя его красоты? Police discovered his body yesterday. — Полиция вчера обнаружила его труп. I finally discovered the letter at the back of the drawer. — Я наконец обнаружил это письмо в глубине ящика. Действие глагола to discover сравнимо с тщательным раскапыванием земли в поисках чего-либо, в данном случае каких-либо фактов, новых или неожиданных сведений, что выражено в словосочетаниях, фигурально передающих значение глагола to discover — найти, открывать, обнаруживать: Let me know if you dig up anything about it. — Дай мне знать, если ты что-нибудь об этом раскопаешь. I unearthed some useful facts and figures. — Я раскопал несколько полезных фактов и цифр. The facts only came to light after a long investigation. — Факты увидели свет только после длительного расследования. We left no stone unturned in our search for the truth. — Мы камня на кнмне не оставили в поисках истины./Мы сделали все возможное, чтобы докопаться до истины. The book is a mine/goldmine of information. — Книга прямо кладезь информации. You need to put in a lot of spadework. — Тебе еще предстоит много черновой работы./Тебе еще придется покопаться. It took me a long time to find it, but I finally struck gold/oil. — У меня ушло много времени на поиски, но в конце концов я нашел, что искал./У меня ушло много времени на поиски, но в конце концов мои поиски увенчались успехом. She racked up a lot of scandal. — Она раскопала уйму скандальных фактов.

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > открыть

  • 10 por casualidad

    * * *
    = by chance, coincidentally, fortuitously, by accident, by happenstance, happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo, accidentally, by a fluke, by luck, by a stroke of (good) luck
    Ex. If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry.
    Ex. Ironically, the latter proved to be the most vulnerable and acutely criticized of Panizzi's rules, as, coincidentally, are the corresponding AACR rules.
    Ex. On one of them, fortuitously, there was a note entered by the cataloger which said, 'Usually published under the title American Scholar'.
    Ex. Discoveries are sometimes made by accident; they are never made by the dismayed or disheartened = A veces los descubrimientos se hacen por casualidad y nunca por los abatidos o los desmotivados.
    Ex. To date, the replacement of old technologies by new technologies has occurred largely by happenstance.
    Ex. So far we have only provided for the user who happens to consult the A/Z subject index under the term 'Conservative'.
    Ex. During a trip to Italy, he chanced to see a production of Cavalleria.
    Ex. As has been suggested elsewhere in this book, it is axiomatic that regular backup copies of data disks be taken, in order to ensure that data are not accidentally lost.
    Ex. The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke.
    Ex. Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it.
    Ex. The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him.
    * * *
    = by chance, coincidentally, fortuitously, by accident, by happenstance, happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo, accidentally, by a fluke, by luck, by a stroke of (good) luck

    Ex: If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry.

    Ex: Ironically, the latter proved to be the most vulnerable and acutely criticized of Panizzi's rules, as, coincidentally, are the corresponding AACR rules.
    Ex: On one of them, fortuitously, there was a note entered by the cataloger which said, 'Usually published under the title American Scholar'.
    Ex: Discoveries are sometimes made by accident; they are never made by the dismayed or disheartened = A veces los descubrimientos se hacen por casualidad y nunca por los abatidos o los desmotivados.
    Ex: To date, the replacement of old technologies by new technologies has occurred largely by happenstance.
    Ex: So far we have only provided for the user who happens to consult the A/Z subject index under the term 'Conservative'.
    Ex: During a trip to Italy, he chanced to see a production of Cavalleria.
    Ex: As has been suggested elsewhere in this book, it is axiomatic that regular backup copies of data disks be taken, in order to ensure that data are not accidentally lost.
    Ex: The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke.
    Ex: Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it.
    Ex: The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him.

    Spanish-English dictionary > por casualidad

  • 11 de casualidad

    = by accident, by a fluke, by chance, accidentally, by a stroke of (good) luck, by luck
    Ex. Discoveries are sometimes made by accident; they are never made by the dismayed or disheartened = A veces los descubrimientos se hacen por casualidad y nunca por los abatidos o los desmotivados.
    Ex. The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke.
    Ex. If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry.
    Ex. As has been suggested elsewhere in this book, it is axiomatic that regular backup copies of data disks be taken, in order to ensure that data are not accidentally lost.
    Ex. The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him.
    Ex. Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it.
    * * *
    = by accident, by a fluke, by chance, accidentally, by a stroke of (good) luck, by luck

    Ex: Discoveries are sometimes made by accident; they are never made by the dismayed or disheartened = A veces los descubrimientos se hacen por casualidad y nunca por los abatidos o los desmotivados.

    Ex: The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke.
    Ex: If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry.
    Ex: As has been suggested elsewhere in this book, it is axiomatic that regular backup copies of data disks be taken, in order to ensure that data are not accidentally lost.
    Ex: The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him.
    Ex: Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it.

    Spanish-English dictionary > de casualidad

  • 12 al azar

    at random, at a venture, hit-or-miss, hit-and-miss.
    * * *
    at random
    * * *
    = at random, by chance, haphazardly, indiscriminate, indiscriminately, random, randomly, pot luck, hit (and/or) miss, odd, by a fluke, by luck, by a stroke of (good) luck
    Ex. Observations were made at random by uninvolved observers.
    Ex. If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry.
    Ex. Although university education in modern India dates back to 1856, libraries developed haphazardly and were more embellishments than an integral part of the academic programme.
    Ex. Nonetheless, the indiscriminate use of both terms in a data base creates a situation in which the serious scholar is either deprived of access to half of the material in the collection, or must consult two sequences.
    Ex. Furthermore, the value of citation bibliometry is currently being undermined by the formation of 'citation clubs', which aim to indiscriminately achieve maximum cross-citing between 'club members'.
    Ex. Where the subcategory is small the subsequent arrangement is random.
    Ex. The reason for this is that the qualifier, Public Libraries, is randomly distributed depending on whether other facets are cited in between.
    Ex. In addition to the 'pot luck' method which some indexers seem to favour, we now have the use of PRECIS to serve as the indexing method in BNB.
    Ex. Funds are low, so libraries could benefit from interlibrary loan schemes, although without a national union catalogue, efforts to serve readers are hit and miss = Los fondos son escasos, por lo que las bibliotecas se podrían beneficiar del préstamo interbibliotecario, aunque, sin un catálogo colectivo nacional, los esfuerzos para atender a los usuarios son una lotería.
    Ex. For example, review articles are expected to be supported by extensive bibliographies, whilst it is unusual for a letter to carry more than the odd citation.
    Ex. The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke.
    Ex. Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it.
    Ex. The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him.
    * * *
    = at random, by chance, haphazardly, indiscriminate, indiscriminately, random, randomly, pot luck, hit (and/or) miss, odd, by a fluke, by luck, by a stroke of (good) luck

    Ex: Observations were made at random by uninvolved observers.

    Ex: If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry.
    Ex: Although university education in modern India dates back to 1856, libraries developed haphazardly and were more embellishments than an integral part of the academic programme.
    Ex: Nonetheless, the indiscriminate use of both terms in a data base creates a situation in which the serious scholar is either deprived of access to half of the material in the collection, or must consult two sequences.
    Ex: Furthermore, the value of citation bibliometry is currently being undermined by the formation of 'citation clubs', which aim to indiscriminately achieve maximum cross-citing between 'club members'.
    Ex: Where the subcategory is small the subsequent arrangement is random.
    Ex: The reason for this is that the qualifier, Public Libraries, is randomly distributed depending on whether other facets are cited in between.
    Ex: In addition to the 'pot luck' method which some indexers seem to favour, we now have the use of PRECIS to serve as the indexing method in BNB.
    Ex: Funds are low, so libraries could benefit from interlibrary loan schemes, although without a national union catalogue, efforts to serve readers are hit and miss = Los fondos son escasos, por lo que las bibliotecas se podrían beneficiar del préstamo interbibliotecario, aunque, sin un catálogo colectivo nacional, los esfuerzos para atender a los usuarios son una lotería.
    Ex: For example, review articles are expected to be supported by extensive bibliographies, whilst it is unusual for a letter to carry more than the odd citation.
    Ex: The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke.
    Ex: Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it.
    Ex: The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him.

    Spanish-English dictionary > al azar

  • 13 culo

    1 bum (British), butt (United States). ( Latin American Spanish)
    me caí de culo I fell flat on my backside o bum (British)
    el equipo va de culo este año the team's doing shit o crap this year
    2 bottom.
    3 anus.
    4 butt end, back part.
    5 ass, buttocks, butt, arse.
    6 attractive woman.
    * * *
    1 familiar bottom, bum, arse (US ass)
    2 familiar (ano) arse (US ass)
    caer de culo familiar to fall flat on one's bottom
    con el culo al aire figurado in a fix, in a tight spot
    ir de culo familiar to be rushed off one's feet
    lamer el culo a alguien tabú to lick somebody's arse (US ass)
    mojarse el culo figurado to come down off the fence, make up one's mind
    ser culo de mal asiento figurado to be a fidget, not to be able to sit still
    ¡vete a tomar por el culo! tabú fuck off!, up yours!
    * * *
    noun m.
    2) ass
    * * *
    1) * (=nalgas) backside *, bum **, arse ***, ass (EEUU) ***, butt (EEUU) **; (=ano) arsehole ***, asshole (EEUU) ***

    dar a algn por el culo*** (=sexualmente) to bugger sb; (=fastidiar) to piss sb off ***

    ¡que te den por (el) culo! — *** fuck you! ***, screw you! ***

    - confunde el culo con las témporas
    - dejar a algn con el culo al aire
    - ir con el culo a rastras

    ir de culo **

    con tanta llamada, esta mañana voy de culo — with all these calls this morning I'm way behind *

    en cuanto al paro, el país va de culo — the country's unemployment record is disastrous

    - lamer el culo a algn

    ¡métetelo por el culo! — stick it up your ass! ***

    perder el culo por algn/algo **

    ser un culo de mal asiento —

    se mudó cinco veces en un año, es un culo de mal asiento — she moved house five times in one year, she just can't stay in one place

    ¡vete a tomar por culo! — *** screw you! ***, fuck off! ***, piss off! ***

    ¡que se vayan a tomar por culo! — *** they can go screw themselves ***, they can fuck o piss off ***

    2) * [de vaso, botella] bottom

    -¿queda cerveza? -sí, un culillo — "is there any beer left in there?" - "yes, a drop"

    * * *
    masculino (fam: en algunas regiones vulg)
    a) ( nalgas) backside (colloq), butt (AmE colloq), bum (BrE colloq), ass (AmE vulg), arse (BrE vulg)

    te voy a dar unos azotes or pegar en el culo — I'm going to spank o smack you

    caerse or (AmL) irse de culo (fam) ( literal) — to fall on one's backside o ass; ( asombrarse) to be flabbergasted o amazed (colloq)

    darle por (el) culo a alguien — (vulg) to screw somebody (sl)

    que te den por culo! — (vulg) screw you! (vulg)

    en el culo del mundo — (fam) in the back of beyond

    ir de culo — (fam)

    mandar a alguien a tomar por culo — (Esp vulg) to tell someone to piss off (vulg)

    mandar algo a tomar por culo — (Esp vulg) to pack o chuck something in (colloq)

    meterse algo en or por el culo — (vulg)

    perder el culo por algo/alguien — (fam)

    pierde el culo por él/porque la inviten — she's just crazy about him/she's just dying to be asked (colloq)

    quedar como el or un culo — (AmS fam o vulg) to look awful o terrible

    ni la llamó y quedó como el or un culo — he didn't even call her, it was so rude of him! (colloq)

    es un culo de mal asiento or sin asiento — ( no se está quieto) he can't sit still for a minute; (en cuestiones de trabajo, vivienda) he never stays in one place for long

    b) (de vaso, botella) bottom

    gafas de culo de vaso or botella — pebble (lens) glasses (colloq)

    c) (RPl fam) ( suerte) luck
    * * *
    = bum, bottom, backside, arse, ass, bahookie, tush, heinie, booty, tushy.
    Ex. At heart, it is a smirkingly adolescent pursuit of cheap laughs and mild titillation, with a surfeit of jokes involving breasts and bums and with new extremes of scatological humiliation.
    Ex. There is 'no bottom which can be decisively kicked or even a soul to damn'.
    Ex. Corporal punishment, the act of disciplining students by inflicting physical pain (usually paddling the child's backside), has recently come under fire due to the public's growing concern over child abuse.
    Ex. I don't really care if he does like real ale, even if his arse was hung with diamonds he would still be a twat.
    Ex. She loves taking a cock in the twat and another in the ass.
    Ex. She's not as fragile as she looks and you may end up with her toe up your bahookie.
    Ex. They are just sitting on their tushes and doing nothing but talking about what is wrong with their country.
    Ex. Sheep walk in a row by sniffing each other's heinies.
    Ex. American socialite Kim Kardashian has revealed that she's planning to get her booty insured.
    Ex. He lost his job as a male model after an injury left him with an unsightly scar on his tushy.
    * besarle el culo a Alguien = kiss + Posesivo + butt.
    * con el culo al aire = out in the cold.
    * culo del mundo, el = back of beyond, the.
    * culo respingón = pert bum, pert bottom.
    * dar por culo = piss + Nombre + off.
    * dar un pellizco en el culo = bottom pinching.
    * dejar con el culo al aire = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * en el culo = in the bottom.
    * en el culo del mundo = in the arse of nowhere.
    * enseñar el culo = moon, do + a moony.
    * irse a tomar por culo = naff off.
    * lamerle el culo a Alguien = kiss + Posesivo + butt.
    * mojarse el culo = get + involved with/in.
    * mover el culo = shake + a leg, rattle + Posesivo + dags, get + a wiggle on, get off + Posesivo + ass, get off + Posesivo + arse.
    * pasarse Algo por el culo = not give a shit.
    * pellizcar el culo = bottom pinching.
    * perder el culo = go into + raptures.
    * poner el culo = take + Nombre + lying down.
    * quedarse con el culo al aire = come + unstuck.
    * quien quiera peces que se moje el culo = you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.
    * ser el culo del mundo = be the pits.
    * tonto del culo = arsehole [asshole, -USA], mug, prick, as daft as a brush, as thick as two (short) planks, prize idiot, knucklehead.
    * vete a tomar por culo = fuck off.
    * * *
    masculino (fam: en algunas regiones vulg)
    a) ( nalgas) backside (colloq), butt (AmE colloq), bum (BrE colloq), ass (AmE vulg), arse (BrE vulg)

    te voy a dar unos azotes or pegar en el culo — I'm going to spank o smack you

    caerse or (AmL) irse de culo (fam) ( literal) — to fall on one's backside o ass; ( asombrarse) to be flabbergasted o amazed (colloq)

    darle por (el) culo a alguien — (vulg) to screw somebody (sl)

    que te den por culo! — (vulg) screw you! (vulg)

    en el culo del mundo — (fam) in the back of beyond

    ir de culo — (fam)

    mandar a alguien a tomar por culo — (Esp vulg) to tell someone to piss off (vulg)

    mandar algo a tomar por culo — (Esp vulg) to pack o chuck something in (colloq)

    meterse algo en or por el culo — (vulg)

    perder el culo por algo/alguien — (fam)

    pierde el culo por él/porque la inviten — she's just crazy about him/she's just dying to be asked (colloq)

    quedar como el or un culo — (AmS fam o vulg) to look awful o terrible

    ni la llamó y quedó como el or un culo — he didn't even call her, it was so rude of him! (colloq)

    es un culo de mal asiento or sin asiento — ( no se está quieto) he can't sit still for a minute; (en cuestiones de trabajo, vivienda) he never stays in one place for long

    b) (de vaso, botella) bottom

    gafas de culo de vaso or botella — pebble (lens) glasses (colloq)

    c) (RPl fam) ( suerte) luck
    * * *
    = bum, bottom, backside, arse, ass, bahookie, tush, heinie, booty, tushy.

    Ex: At heart, it is a smirkingly adolescent pursuit of cheap laughs and mild titillation, with a surfeit of jokes involving breasts and bums and with new extremes of scatological humiliation.

    Ex: There is 'no bottom which can be decisively kicked or even a soul to damn'.
    Ex: Corporal punishment, the act of disciplining students by inflicting physical pain (usually paddling the child's backside), has recently come under fire due to the public's growing concern over child abuse.
    Ex: I don't really care if he does like real ale, even if his arse was hung with diamonds he would still be a twat.
    Ex: She loves taking a cock in the twat and another in the ass.
    Ex: She's not as fragile as she looks and you may end up with her toe up your bahookie.
    Ex: They are just sitting on their tushes and doing nothing but talking about what is wrong with their country.
    Ex: Sheep walk in a row by sniffing each other's heinies.
    Ex: American socialite Kim Kardashian has revealed that she's planning to get her booty insured.
    Ex: He lost his job as a male model after an injury left him with an unsightly scar on his tushy.
    * besarle el culo a Alguien = kiss + Posesivo + butt.
    * con el culo al aire = out in the cold.
    * culo del mundo, el = back of beyond, the.
    * culo respingón = pert bum, pert bottom.
    * dar por culo = piss + Nombre + off.
    * dar un pellizco en el culo = bottom pinching.
    * dejar con el culo al aire = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * en el culo = in the bottom.
    * en el culo del mundo = in the arse of nowhere.
    * enseñar el culo = moon, do + a moony.
    * irse a tomar por culo = naff off.
    * lamerle el culo a Alguien = kiss + Posesivo + butt.
    * mojarse el culo = get + involved with/in.
    * mover el culo = shake + a leg, rattle + Posesivo + dags, get + a wiggle on, get off + Posesivo + ass, get off + Posesivo + arse.
    * pasarse Algo por el culo = not give a shit.
    * pellizcar el culo = bottom pinching.
    * perder el culo = go into + raptures.
    * poner el culo = take + Nombre + lying down.
    * quedarse con el culo al aire = come + unstuck.
    * quien quiera peces que se moje el culo = you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.
    * ser el culo del mundo = be the pits.
    * tonto del culo = arsehole [asshole, -USA], mug, prick, as daft as a brush, as thick as two (short) planks, prize idiot, knucklehead.
    * vete a tomar por culo = fuck off.

    * * *
    (fam: en algunas regiones vulg)
    1 (nalgas) backside ( colloq), butt ( AmE colloq), bum ( BrE colloq), ass ( AmE vulg), arse ( BrE vulg)
    te voy a dar unos azotes en el culo I'm going to spank o smack your bottom
    me dan ganas de darle una patada en el culo I feel like giving him a kick up the backside o ass
    cada cual hace de su culo un pito ( RPl vulg); I/you can do what I/you bloody well like
    caerse or ( AmL) irse de culo ( fam) (literal) to fall on one's backside o ass; (asombrarse) to be flabbergasted o amazed ( colloq)
    tiene una casa que te caes or vas de culo he has an amazing o incredible house
    casi me caigo de culo cuando la vi entrar I couldn't believe my eyes o I was amazed o flabbergasted when I saw her come in
    darle por (el) culo a algn ( vulg); to screw sb (sl), to shaft sb (sl)
    ¡que te den por culo! ( vulg); screw you! ( vulg), piss off! ( vulg)
    en el culo del mundo ( fam); in the back of beyond, in the sticks ( colloq), in the Boonies ( AmE colloq)
    ir de culo ( fam): el negocio va de culo the business is going really badly
    voy de culo con tanto trabajo ( Esp); I'm up to my ears o eyes in work ( colloq)
    lamerle el culo a algn ( vulg); to lick sb's ass ( vulg), to brown-nose sb ( vulg), to suck up to sb ( BrE colloq)
    mandar a algn a tomar por culo ( Esp vulg); to tell someone to piss off ( vulg)
    ¡vete a tomar por culo! ( Esp vulg); screw you! ( vulg), piss off! ( vulg)
    mandar algo a tomar por culo ( Esp vulg); to pack sth in ( colloq), to chuck sth in ( BrE colloq)
    meterse algo en or por el culo ( vulg): métetelo en el culo you can stick it up your ass ( vulg)
    mojarse el culo ( Esp fam); to get one's feet wet ( colloq)
    pasarse algo por el culo ( vulg): las reglas me las paso por el culo I don't give a shit about the rules ( vulg)
    perder el culo por algo/algn ( fam): pierde el culo por él she's just crazy o nuts about him ( colloq)
    está que pierde el culo por que la inviten she's just dying to be asked
    quedar como el or un culo ( AmS fam o vulg); to look awful o terrible
    ese color te queda como el or un culo you look a sight in that color, you look bloody awful in that color ( BrE sl)
    ni la llamó y quedó como el or un culo he didn't even call her, it was so rude of him! ( colloq)
    romperse el culo ( fam); to work one's butt off ( AmE colloq), to slog one's guts out ( BrE colloq)
    ser un culo de mal asiento or sin asiento ( fam); to have ants in one's pants ( colloq)
    es un culo de mal asiento or sin asiento (no se está quieto) he's got ants in his pants; (en cuestiones de trabajo, vivienda) he never stays in one place for long o he's a restless soul
    ser un culo veo culo quiero ( fam): es un culo veo culo quiero when he sees something he likes, he just has to have it
    tener culo ( Esp fam); to have a nerve ( colloq)
    traerle de culo a algn ( Esp fam o vulg); to drive sb bananas o nuts ( colloq), to drive sb round the bend o twist ( colloq)
    2 (de un vaso, una botella) bottom
    gafas de culo de vaso or botella pebble (lens) glasses ( colloq)
    3 ( RPl fam) (suerte) luck
    * * *


    culo sustantivo masculino (fam: en algunas regiones vulg)
    a) ( nalgas) backside (colloq), butt (AmE colloq), bum (BrE colloq), ass (AmE vulg), arse (BrE vulg);

    te voy a pegar en el culo I'm going to spank o smack you

    b) (de vaso, botella) bottom

    culo sustantivo masculino
    1 familiar (trasero) backside, butt, bottom
    2 (de recipiente) bottom
    ' culo' also found in these entries:
    - ass
    - backside
    - bum
    - butt
    - fanny
    - tail
    - bun
    - fuck
    * * *
    culo nm Fam Note that in some regions of Latin America this term is vulgar in register.
    1. [nalgas] Br bum, US butt;
    le di una patada en el culo I gave him a kick up the backside, US I kicked his butt;
    culo firme firm buttocks;
    culo respingón pert bottom;
    ¡vaya culo tiene! she's got a nice Br arse o US ass!;
    me caí de culo I fell flat on my backside o Br bum;
    cuando vi su moto me caí de culo I was flabbergasted o Br gobsmacked when I saw his motorbike;
    con el culo al aire: su confesión dejó a sus compinches con el culo al aire his confession left his accomplices up the creek;
    muy Fam
    vive en el culo del mundo she lives Br bloody o US goddamn miles from anywhere;
    muy Fam
    estoy hasta el culo de trabajo I've got so much Br bloody o US goddamn work to do!;
    muy Fam
    ir de culo: el equipo va de culo este año the team's doing shit o crap this year;
    con esa estrategia vas de culo that strategy's a load of crap;
    esta última semana hemos ido de culo, sin parar ni un minuto this last week has been a Br bloody o US goddamn nightmare, we haven't had a minute's rest;
    muy Fam
    lamer el culo: siempre está lamiéndole el culo al jefe he's always licking the boss's Br arse o US ass, he's always sucking up to o brown-nosing the boss;
    muy Fam
    mojarse el culo: éste no se moja el culo por nadie he wouldn't lift a Br bloody o US goddamn finger to help anyone;
    muy Fam
    partirse el culo: con este tío te partes el culo that guy's a Br bloody o US goddamn hoot;
    muy Fam
    pensar con el culo: ¡qué estupideces dice!, parece que piense con el culo what a load of nonsense, she's just talking out of her Br arse o US ass;
    muy Fam
    perder el culo: ha perdido el culo por una compañera de clase he's madly in love with a girl in his class;
    muy Fam
    ponerse hasta el culo: nos pusimos hasta el culo de cerveza we got wasted on beer;
    ser un culo inquieto o [m5] de mal asiento [enredador] to be fidgety;
    [errante] to be a restless soul
    2. [ano] Br arsehole, US asshole;
    RP muy Fam
    como el culo: me siento como el culo I feel like shit;
    esa muchacha me cae como el culo I hate that girl's Br bloody o US goddamn guts;
    dar por el culo a alguien [sodomizar] to give it to sb up the Br arse o US ass;
    ¡que te den por culo!, ¡vete a tomar por culo! fuck off!;
    no quiere ayudar – ¡que le den por culo! he doesn't want to help – well, fuck him, then!
    meterse algo por el culo: te puedes meter tu propuesta por el culo you can stick your proposal up your Br arse o US ass
    Esp Vulg
    a tomar por culo: le pedí dinero prestado, y me mandó a tomar por culo I asked her to lend me some money and she told me to fuck off o where to stick it;
    estoy harto, voy a mandar todo a tomar por culo fuck this o Br fuck this for a lark, I've had enough of it;
    todo lo que habíamos hecho se fue a tomar por culo con el apagón the power cut completely fucked up everything we'd done;
    muy Fam
    está a tomar por culo it's Br bloody o US goddamn miles from anywhere;
    3. [de vaso, botella] bottom;
    gafas de culo de vaso, Am [m5] lentes de culo de botella pebble-glasses
    4. [líquido]
    queda un culo de vino there's a drop (or two) of wine left in the bottom
    5. [zurcido]
    me has hecho un culo de pollo en el calcetín you've made a mess of darning my sock
    6. RP Fam [suerte]
    me gané la lotería – ¡qué culo! I won the lottery – you lucky o Br jammy thing!
    * * *
    ass vulg, Br
    arse vulg ; fam
    butt fam, Br
    bum fam ;
    caer(se) de culo fall on one’s ass;
    lamer el culo a alguien vulg brown-nose s.o. fam ;
    ir de culo fig fam do badly;
    ser culo de mal asiento fig fam be restless, have ants in one’s pants fam ;
    en el culo del mundo fig in the boondocks fam, in the middle of nowhere
    * * *
    culo nm
    1) fam : backside, behind
    2) : bottom (of a glass)
    * * *
    culo n
    1. (trasero) bottom / bum
    2. (de vaso, botella) bottom

    Spanish-English dictionary > culo

  • 14 de chiripa

    = by a fluke, by a stroke of (good) luck, by chance, by luck
    Ex. The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke.
    Ex. The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him.
    Ex. If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry.
    Ex. Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it.
    * * *
    = by a fluke, by a stroke of (good) luck, by chance, by luck

    Ex: The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke.

    Ex: The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him.
    Ex: If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry.
    Ex: Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it.

    Spanish-English dictionary > de chiripa

  • 15 de suerte

    = by a fluke, by a stroke of (good) luck, by chance, by luck
    Ex. The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke.
    Ex. The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him.
    Ex. If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry.
    Ex. Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it.
    * * *
    = by a fluke, by a stroke of (good) luck, by chance, by luck

    Ex: The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke.

    Ex: The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him.
    Ex: If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry.
    Ex: Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it.

    Spanish-English dictionary > de suerte

  • 16 declaración

    1 declaration, annunciation, statement, proclamation.
    2 testimony, attestation, assertion, testimonial.
    * * *
    1 (gen) declaration
    3 DERECHO evidence
    prestar declaración DERECHO to give evidence
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) declaration, statement
    * * *
    1) (=proclamación) declaration

    declaración de derechos — (Pol) bill of rights

    2) pl declaraciones [a la prensa] statement sing

    no quiso hacer declaraciones a los periodistas — he refused to talk to journalists, he refused to make a statement to journalists

    3) [a Hacienda] tax return

    declaración de impuestos, declaración de ingresos, declaración de la renta — income tax return

    4) (Jur) [ante la policía, en juicio] statement

    las declaraciones de los testigos son contradictorias — the evidence given by the witnesses is contradictory, the witnesses' statements are contradictory

    prestar declaración — [ante la policía] to make a statement; [en un juicio] to give evidence, testify

    tomar la declaración a algn — to take a statement from sb

    declaración de culpabilidad — plea of guilty, guilty plea

    declaración de inocencia — plea of not guilty, not guilty plea

    declaración inmediata Méx verbal statement

    declaración jurada — sworn statement, affidavit

    5) [de incendio, epidemia] outbreak
    6) (Naipes) bid
    * * *
    a) ( afirmación) declaration
    b) (a la prensa, en público) statement
    c) ( proclamación) declaration
    2) (Der) statement, testimony
    * * *
    = assertion, claim, statement, declaration, bid, testimony, communiqué, pronouncement, utterance, testimonial, deposition.
    Ex. The argument in support of this proposal rests on the following assertions: The main entry is a relic of the early days of the printed book catalog when, for reasons of space and cost of printing, a book was to be represented by one entry only.
    Ex. The final justification is to be found in the claim that SLIS provide a form of information education that is not provided elsewhere.
    Ex. Statements conveying preferential relationships between terms indicate which terms are to be treated as equivalent to one another.
    Ex. Profiles may remain empty declarations of intent in a changing reality.
    Ex. Try to envisage explaining the significance of a bid of 'two clubs' in contract bridge to someone who has never seen a pack of playing cards.
    Ex. Sidney Ditzion's assessment of Ticknor as a man who 'loved and trusted the great majority of his fellow citizens' just will not stand the test when compared with the testimony of Ticknor's contemporaries.
    Ex. The official communiqué issued at the end of the meeting follows: 'The meeting deplores and is deeply shocked by the extensive damage to, and looting of, the cultural heritage of Iraq caused by the recent conflict' = El comunicado oficial emitido al final de la asamble dice: "La asamblea condena y se siente horrorizada por el enorme daño y el saqueo del patrimonio cultural de Irak ocasionado por el reciente conflicto".
    Ex. However I have pointed out what seem to me to be the more important of the relevant rules and I have tried to summarize their main pronouncements without misrepresentation, despite the unavoidable simplification.
    Ex. One natural strategy for reducing the impact of miscommunication is selective verification of the user utterance meanings.
    Ex. Testimonials from the participants showed that the workshops had economic, social and environmental benefits.
    Ex. The investigation revealed that he had made false statements under oath during sworn oral depositions in proceedings.
    * ayuda con la declaración de hacienda = income tax assistance.
    * declaración bajo juramento = statement under oath.
    * declaración de conformidad = declaration of agreement.
    * declaración de culpabilidad = guilty plea.
    * Declaración de Derechos = Bill of Rights.
    * declaración de guerra = declaration of war.
    * declaración de insolvencia = bailout.
    * declaración de intenciones = policy statement, statement of objectives, mission statement, purpose statement, letter of intent, declaration of intent, vision statement.
    * declaración de la renta = tax return, income tax, income tax return, income tax statement.
    * Declaración de los Derechos del Usuario = Library Bill of Rights.
    * declaración de objetivos = statement of objectives, purpose statement, mission statement, vision statement.
    * declaración de postura oficial = position paper.
    * declaración de prensa = press statement.
    * declaración de principios = statement of principles, value statement, Bill of Rights, declaration of principles, statement of principles.
    * declaración de propiedad = claim.
    * declaración jurada = declaration form, form of declaration, deposition, sworn affidavit, affidavit.
    * declaración pública = public statement.
    * impreso de declaración de la renta = income tax form, tax form.
    * prestar declaración = give + evidence.
    * prestar declaración bajo juramento = testify + under oath.
    * * *
    a) ( afirmación) declaration
    b) (a la prensa, en público) statement
    c) ( proclamación) declaration
    2) (Der) statement, testimony
    * * *
    = assertion, claim, statement, declaration, bid, testimony, communiqué, pronouncement, utterance, testimonial, deposition.

    Ex: The argument in support of this proposal rests on the following assertions: The main entry is a relic of the early days of the printed book catalog when, for reasons of space and cost of printing, a book was to be represented by one entry only.

    Ex: The final justification is to be found in the claim that SLIS provide a form of information education that is not provided elsewhere.
    Ex: Statements conveying preferential relationships between terms indicate which terms are to be treated as equivalent to one another.
    Ex: Profiles may remain empty declarations of intent in a changing reality.
    Ex: Try to envisage explaining the significance of a bid of 'two clubs' in contract bridge to someone who has never seen a pack of playing cards.
    Ex: Sidney Ditzion's assessment of Ticknor as a man who 'loved and trusted the great majority of his fellow citizens' just will not stand the test when compared with the testimony of Ticknor's contemporaries.
    Ex: The official communiqué issued at the end of the meeting follows: 'The meeting deplores and is deeply shocked by the extensive damage to, and looting of, the cultural heritage of Iraq caused by the recent conflict' = El comunicado oficial emitido al final de la asamble dice: "La asamblea condena y se siente horrorizada por el enorme daño y el saqueo del patrimonio cultural de Irak ocasionado por el reciente conflicto".
    Ex: However I have pointed out what seem to me to be the more important of the relevant rules and I have tried to summarize their main pronouncements without misrepresentation, despite the unavoidable simplification.
    Ex: One natural strategy for reducing the impact of miscommunication is selective verification of the user utterance meanings.
    Ex: Testimonials from the participants showed that the workshops had economic, social and environmental benefits.
    Ex: The investigation revealed that he had made false statements under oath during sworn oral depositions in proceedings.
    * ayuda con la declaración de hacienda = income tax assistance.
    * declaración bajo juramento = statement under oath.
    * declaración de conformidad = declaration of agreement.
    * declaración de culpabilidad = guilty plea.
    * Declaración de Derechos = Bill of Rights.
    * declaración de guerra = declaration of war.
    * declaración de insolvencia = bailout.
    * declaración de intenciones = policy statement, statement of objectives, mission statement, purpose statement, letter of intent, declaration of intent, vision statement.
    * declaración de la renta = tax return, income tax, income tax return, income tax statement.
    * Declaración de los Derechos del Usuario = Library Bill of Rights.
    * declaración de objetivos = statement of objectives, purpose statement, mission statement, vision statement.
    * declaración de postura oficial = position paper.
    * declaración de prensa = press statement.
    * declaración de principios = statement of principles, value statement, Bill of Rights, declaration of principles, statement of principles.
    * declaración de propiedad = claim.
    * declaración jurada = declaration form, form of declaration, deposition, sworn affidavit, affidavit.
    * declaración pública = public statement.
    * impreso de declaración de la renta = income tax form, tax form.
    * prestar declaración = give + evidence.
    * prestar declaración bajo juramento = testify + under oath.

    * * *
    1 (afirmación) declaration
    una declaración de amor a declaration of love
    2 (a la prensa, en público) statement
    el gobierno no ha emitido ninguna declaración al respecto the Government has issued no statement on the matter
    se negó a hacer declaraciones a la prensa she refused to talk to the press, she refused to make a statement to the press
    3 (proclamación) declaration
    la declaración universal de los derechos del hombre the universal declaration of human rights
    bill of rights
    declaration of war
    declaration of independence
    declaration of principles
    declaration of bankruptcy
    B ( Der) statement, testimony
    (ante el juez): el policía me tomó declaración the policeman took my statement
    tuvo que prestar declaración como testigo he was called to give evidence o to testify o as a witness
    customs declaration
    income tax return
    income tax return
    affidavit, sworn statement
    * * *


    declaración sustantivo femenino

    b) (a la prensa, en público) statement;

    2 (Der) statement, testimony;

    prestar declaración como testigo to give evidence, to testify;
    declaración del impuesto sobre la renta income tax return
    declaración sustantivo femenino
    1 declaration
    una declaración de principios, a declaration of principles
    (de la renta) tax declaration
    US tax return
    2 (comentario) comment: no quiso hacer declaraciones, he refused to comment
    3 Jur statement
    prestar declaración, to give evidence, testify
    declaración jurada, sworn statement
    ' declaración' also found in these entries:
    - abierto
    - baja
    - bajo
    - deducirse
    - desautorizar
    - encajar
    - falsedad
    - jurada I
    - jurado
    - maquillar
    - prestar
    - rectificar
    - trampa
    - universal
    - afirmación
    - alcance
    - arrancar
    - falso
    - hacer
    - indiscreción
    - testimonio
    - announcement
    - blunt
    - declaration
    - evasion
    - evidence
    - expand on
    - frame
    - impromptu
    - return
    - statement
    - support
    - sworn
    - take back
    - take down
    - tax return
    - testimony
    - withdraw
    - withdrawal
    - design
    - pronouncement
    - tax
    - testify
    * * *
    1. [manifestación] [ante la autoridad] statement;
    prestar declaración to give evidence;
    tomar declaración (a) to take a statement (from)
    declaración de impacto ambiental environmental impact statement;
    declaración jurada sworn statement;
    declaración del patrimonio = inventory of property, drawn up for tax purposes;
    declaración de la renta income tax return;
    hacer la declaración de la renta to Br send in o US file one's tax return
    2. [afirmación] declaration;
    han pedido la declaración de zona catastrófica para la región they've requested that the region be declared a disaster area;
    en sus declaraciones a la prensa, el ministro dijo que… in his statement to the press, the minister said that…;
    no hizo declaraciones a los medios de comunicación he didn't make any statement to the media
    declaración de amor declaration of love;
    declaración de guerra declaration of war;
    declaración de independencia declaration of independence;
    declaración de intenciones statement of intent;
    declaración de principios statement of principles
    3. [documento] declaration
    declaración universal de los derechos humanos universal declaration of human rights
    4. [comienzo] [de incendio, epidemia] outbreak
    * * *
    1 declaration; a la prensa, la policía statement;
    hacer una declaración make a statement;
    tomar declaración a alguien take a statement from s.o.
    2 JUR
    prestar declaración testify, give evidence
    * * *
    1) : declaration, statement
    2) testimonio: deposition, testimony
    declaración de derechos : bill of rights
    declaración jurada : affidavit
    * * *
    1. (de guerra, amor) declaration
    2. (afirmación pública) statement / comment

    Spanish-English dictionary > declaración

  • 17 por chiripa

    = by chance, by a fluke, by luck, by a stroke of (good) luck
    Ex. If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry.
    Ex. The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke.
    Ex. Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it.
    Ex. The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him.
    * * *
    = by chance, by a fluke, by luck, by a stroke of (good) luck

    Ex: If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry.

    Ex: The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke.
    Ex: Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it.
    Ex: The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him.

    Spanish-English dictionary > por chiripa

  • 18 verraten

    I v/t
    1. (Freunde, Ideale etc.) betray, give away; (Geheimnis) auch divulge; (jemanden) auch sell umg.; verraten und verkauft sein umg. have been sold down the river
    2. (ausplaudern) blab out umg.; fig. (offenbaren) betray (auch jemandes Nervosität), reveal; (preisgeben) auch give away; sein Blick verriet große Angst great fear was revealed in his eyes; nicht verraten! don’t tell!; das darfst du Mutter nicht verraten you mustn’t tell Mother about that; sein Akzent hat ihn verraten his accent betrayed him ( oder gave him away)
    3. umg. (mitteilen) tell; kannst du mir verraten, warum...? umg. can you tell me why...?; sie hat mir ihre Absichten nicht verraten she didn’t tell me her intentions
    II v/refl give o.s. away (durch etw. by s.th.)
    * * *
    to reveal; to betray
    * * *
    ver|ra|ten ptp verraten irreg
    1. vt
    1) Geheimnis, Absicht, jdn to betray, to give away; (= bekannt geben, ausplaudern) to tell; (fig = erkennen lassen) to reveal, to show

    nichts verráten! — don't say a word!

    er hat es verráten — he let it out

    2) Freunde, Vaterland, gute Sache etc to betray (
    an +acc to)

    verráten und verkauft (inf)well and truly sunk (inf)

    2. vr
    to give oneself away, to betray oneself
    * * *
    1) (to act disloyally or treacherously towards (especially a person who trusts one): He betrayed his own brother (to the enemy).) betray
    2) (to show (signs of): Her pale face betrayed her fear.) betray
    3) (to betray: The gang was sold down the river by one of its associates.) sell down the river
    4) (to give information about (a person, usually if they are doing something wrong): I'm late for work - don't tell on me!) tell on
    5) (to give away a secret: You mustn't tell or we'll get into trouble.) tell
    * * *
    <verriet, verraten>
    I. vt
    etw [an jdn] \verraten to betray [or sep give away] sth [to sb]
    nichts \verraten! keep it to yourself!, don't give anything away!
    jdn \verraten to betray sb
    etw \verraten to betray sth
    seine Meinung nicht \verraten wollen to be reluctant to express one's opinion [or view
    jdn \verraten to betray [or sep give away] sb
    etw \verraten to show sth, to make sth clear [or obvious
    \verraten und verkauft sein (fam) to be sunk
    II. vr
    sich akk [durch etw akk] \verraten to give oneself away [with sth]
    sich akk \verraten to reveal oneself
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) betray <person, cause>; betray, give away <secret, plan, etc.> (an + Akk. to)
    2) (ugs.): (mitteilen)

    jemandem den Grund usw. verraten — tell somebody the reason etc.

    3) (erkennen lassen) show, betray <feelings, surprise, fear, etc.>; show <influence, talent>
    4) (zu erkennen geben) give < person> away
    1) < person> give oneself away
    2) (sich zeigen) show itself; be revealed
    * * *
    verraten (irr)
    A. v/t
    1. (Freunde, Ideale etc) betray, give away; (Geheimnis) auch divulge; (jemanden) auch sell umg;
    verraten und verkauft sein umg have been sold down the river
    2. (ausplaudern) blab out umg; fig (offenbaren) betray (auch jemandes Nervosität), reveal; (preisgeben) auch give away;
    sein Blick verriet große Angst great fear was revealed in his eyes;
    nicht verraten! don’t tell!;
    das darfst du Mutter nicht verraten you mustn’t tell Mother about that;
    sein Akzent hat ihn verraten his accent betrayed him ( oder gave him away)
    3. umg (mitteilen) tell;
    kannst du mir verraten, warum …? umg can you tell me why …?;
    sie hat mir ihre Absichten nicht verraten she didn’t tell me her intentions
    B. v/r give o.s. away (
    durch etwas by sth)
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) betray <person, cause>; betray, give away <secret, plan, etc.> (an + Akk. to)
    2) (ugs.): (mitteilen)

    jemandem den Grund usw. verraten — tell somebody the reason etc.

    3) (erkennen lassen) show, betray <feelings, surprise, fear, etc.>; show <influence, talent>
    4) (zu erkennen geben) give < person> away
    1) < person> give oneself away
    2) (sich zeigen) show itself; be revealed
    * * *
    betrayed adj. v.
    to betray v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > verraten

  • 19 reveal

    1) (to make known: All their secrets have been revealed.) revelar
    2) (to show; to allow to be seen: He scraped away the top layer of paint from the picture, revealing an earlier painting underneath.) revelar, dejar ver
    reveal vb revelar
    transitive verb (pt & pp revelled (|us| reveled), ger revelling (|us| reveling))
    1 revelar
    2 dejar ver, mostrar
    reveal [ri'vi:l] vt
    1) divulge: revelar, divulgar
    to reveal a secret: revelar un secreto
    2) show: manifestar, mostrar, dejar ver
    constar v.
    descubrir v.
    desencapotar v.
    desnudar v.
    destapar v.
    desvelar v.
    exteriorizar v.
    manifestar v.
    revelar v.
    sacar a relucir expr.
    a) (disclose, make known) revelar, desvelar, develar (AmL)

    to reveal something/somebody AS something: the structure was revealed as (being) unsafe se puso de manifiesto que la estructura no era segura; this revealed him to us as a coward/hero — esto nos demostró que era un cobarde/héroe

    b) ( bring to view) dejar ver
    1) (=uncover) revelar, dejar al descubierto
    2) (=show) [survey, test] poner de manifiesto; (=make public) [person] revelar; [+ feelings] exteriorizar

    he revealed himself to be or as... — demostró ser...

    * * *
    a) (disclose, make known) revelar, desvelar, develar (AmL)

    to reveal something/somebody AS something: the structure was revealed as (being) unsafe se puso de manifiesto que la estructura no era segura; this revealed him to us as a coward/hero — esto nos demostró que era un cobarde/héroe

    b) ( bring to view) dejar ver

    English-spanish dictionary > reveal

  • 20 pistola

    pistola de agua water pistol
    2 spray gun.
    pintar a pistola to spray-paint
    3 gun (tool).
    4 French loaf.
    5 pistol, handgun, gun.
    * * *
    1 gun
    2 (para pintar) spray gun
    3 (de pan) loaf of bread
    * * *
    noun f.
    pistol, gun
    * * *
    1) (=arma) pistol, gun; (Téc) [para pintar] spray gun

    pistola ametralladora — submachine-gun, tommy-gun

    2) Esp [de pan] French stick, baguette
    3) *** (=pene) prick ***
    * * *
    a) (Arm) pistol

    hacerle pistola a alguien — (Col fam) ≈ to give somebody the finger (sl)

    b) ( para pintar) spray gun
    * * *
    = handgun, gun, pistol, starting gun.
    Ex. A perusal of the text has revealed that the Napoleonic handgun was the musket and that rifles were used in special situations.
    Ex. A situation involving the dangerous or apparently dangerous person (perhaps someone reportedly carrying a gun or knife) requires the librarian to summon expert help.
    Ex. At the time of his arrest he was beaten, kicked and clubbed in the head with the butt of a pistol, resulting in health problems which are not being properly treated in prison = En el momento de su arresto le habían golpeado, dado patadas y golpeado en la cabeza con la culata de una pistola, causándole problemas de salud que están siendo tratados adecuadadamente en la cárcel.
    Ex. There was no starting gun at this year's race, so John Mortimer signaled the start of the race by honking the horn of the lead vehicle.
    * a punta de pistola = at gunpoint.
    * disparo de pistola = pistol shot.
    * pistola cargada = loaded pistol.
    * pistola selladora = mastic gun, caulking gun.
    * pistolera, funda de pistola = holster.
    * * *
    a) (Arm) pistol

    hacerle pistola a alguien — (Col fam) ≈ to give somebody the finger (sl)

    b) ( para pintar) spray gun
    * * *
    = handgun, gun, pistol, starting gun.

    Ex: A perusal of the text has revealed that the Napoleonic handgun was the musket and that rifles were used in special situations.

    Ex: A situation involving the dangerous or apparently dangerous person (perhaps someone reportedly carrying a gun or knife) requires the librarian to summon expert help.
    Ex: At the time of his arrest he was beaten, kicked and clubbed in the head with the butt of a pistol, resulting in health problems which are not being properly treated in prison = En el momento de su arresto le habían golpeado, dado patadas y golpeado en la cabeza con la culata de una pistola, causándole problemas de salud que están siendo tratados adecuadadamente en la cárcel.
    Ex: There was no starting gun at this year's race, so John Mortimer signaled the start of the race by honking the horn of the lead vehicle.
    * a punta de pistola = at gunpoint.
    * disparo de pistola = pistol shot.
    * pistola cargada = loaded pistol.
    * pistola selladora = mastic gun, caulking gun.
    * pistolera, funda de pistola = holster.

    * * *
    1 ( Arm) pistol
    a punta de pistola at gunpoint
    hacerle pistola a algn ( Col fam); ≈ to give sb the finger (sl)
    2 (para pintar) spray gun
    pintar a pistola to spray paint
    3 ( Esp) (de pan) French stick
    4 ( Méx) (secadora de pelo) hairdryer
    water pistol, water gun ( AmE)
    grease gun
    blank pistol
    starting pistol
    * * *

    pistola sustantivo femenino
    a) (Arm) pistol;

    pistola sustantivo femenino
    1 pistol, gun
    pistola de fogueo, starting pistol
    2 (para pintar) spray gun
    3 (engrasadora) grease gun
    ' pistola' also found in these entries:
    - cargador
    - desenfundar
    - dispararse
    - pega
    - punta
    - recámara
    - apuntar
    - bala
    - cañón
    - cargar
    - cartuchera
    - cuete
    - descargar
    - dirigir
    - estampido
    - fulminantes
    - quitar
    - sacar
    - soltar
    - verdad
    air gun
    - automatic
    - conceal
    - exhibit
    - gauge
    - gunpoint
    - hold
    - paint-spray
    - pistol
    - pistol-whip
    - point
    - round
    - safety catch
    - shoot
    - spray-paint
    - spraygun
    - trigger
    - water pistol
    - whip out
    - aim
    - air
    - dive
    - go
    - gun
    - holster
    - reach
    - spray
    * * *
    1. [arma] [con cilindro] gun;
    [sin cilindro] pistol pistola de agua water pistol;
    2. [pulverizador] spray gun;
    pintar a pistola to spray-paint
    3. [herramienta] gun
    pistola de engrase grease gun
    4. [de pan] French bread o Br loaf
    * * *
    f pistol;
    * * *
    1) : pistol, handgun
    2) : spray gun
    * * *
    pistola n gun

    Spanish-English dictionary > pistola

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  • Now That You Can't Have Me — Single by Cosima from the album Cosima Released December 2004 …   Wikipedia

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